Selasa, 04 September 2012

The Arkadimon Secret Evolution In Digimon Brawl Arena (DBA)

♥Arkadimon Baby-  data drain Piedmon♥

♥Arkadimon Child-  data drain Panjamon♥

♥Arkadimon - Kill Seraphimon♥

♥Arkadimon Ultimate - Kill Demon♥

♥Arkadimon Super Ultimate - Get killed by Armagemon or enemy Player♥

TOP SECRET: Much of people don't know this

♥Arkadimon GODMODE♥- Get killed by Omegamon

9 komentar:

  1. i try to get killed by omegamon its not work i can't evolve

  2. where i found OMEGAMON?
    i am not see that

  3. Dude, i have a akardimon and i go to the piedmon to envolve but he don't evolve...
    i used data code on him, and nothing happens :C
    please help me

  4. how omegamon doesn't show up

  5. hey i know all the secrets but two or three and was wondering how to get yggdrasil to apear and how to get magnamon but from memory im prety sure the creater of map told me magnamon isnt in game but i cant acess chat with him any more.
